Thursday, October 24, 2013

neighborhood tour

Now for some pictures and details about the area surrounding my apartment! I love on the 7th floor of a 15-story apartment building, which is one of about twenty buildings in this complex. Needless to say, this is unlike anywhere I have ever lived!

My front door opens to an open-air hallway that overlooks a tennis court and the city beyond.

I have an incredible view of Seoul from my front door, and a view of other apartment buildings from my back window.

Throughout the complex, there are several little playsets for kids, sitting areas, a small garden, and even a kindergarten and a church!

The apartment complex runs along a park, which runs along Yangjae Stream. A one-minute walk from my building brings me here!

The park is accessible, too! This apparatus can carry someone in a wheelchair from the trail that runs along the apartment complex down to the lower trail that runs along the river. Amazing!

Along the trail, there are benches, chairs, and, get this: exercise machines! I guess “machines” isn’t the right word, because none of them are electronic, but I don’t know what else to call them. There are weight-lifting benches and several machines for stretching. My coworker told me that only older people use these, but I might try them sometime! I'm not above being laughed at!

Walking from my apartment to JLS takes about 15 minutes, and it is such a beautiful walk! I walk on the trail that runs by Yangjae Stream, cross the small river on some wide stones, and walk up hill to the street where JLS is. The next 13 pictures document my walk from home to school!

(The following two pictures were taken from the middle of the river when I was standing on the stones that I walk on to cross it!)

This is the street that JLS is on:

The JLS head office is the building on the right, and the brown building on the left is the Daechi branch, where I work!

And finally, here are some pictures of the night view from the front door and back window of my apartment. I don’t think this view will ever get old!

More on my job training in my next post! Thanks for reading!


  1. Awesome Pics Alyssa..... Beautiful.... God's creation is amazing.... I can hear your excitement and joy in your words.... love it....

    1. thank you! yeah, isn't it incredible? I'm so blessed to live in such a beautiful place within such a large city.

  2. So much of this is breathtakingly beautiful. What a great place to live.

    1. I know, I'm sooooooo lucky!!! it is such a beautiful area. I can't wait to have you here so you can see it yourself! :)

  3. Beautiful! Such an amazing life experience!! I will keep you in my prayers cousin! So proud of you!!
